1·In the same direction, the lake-surface elevation rises from 1, 361m to 1, 030m.
2·In the same direction, the lake-surface elevation rises from 1,361m to 1,030m.
3·A method of distinguishing watershed borderline, of ascertaining water flow direction on a slope, and of calculating watershed parameters with digital elevation model is introduced and discussed.
4·By means of GIS method, the digital elevation model(DEM)is established, the flow direction, flow accumulation, subcatchment boundaries and stream network spatial distribution are studied.
5·The seasonal snow cover in Urumqi River Basin varies temperally, influenced by air temperature, precipitation, moisture source, slope direction, elevation and ground surface condition.
6·Wuling Range is at the direction to the west, main peak is the Fanjing at Guizhou with an elevation of 2570 meters.
7·What makes them so important is that the way these holes are created determines the direction the hair points as it grows out of the scalp and the angle of elevation of the hair to the skin.
8·It can increase the hole inclination Angle range and drill elevation Angle holes, while setting the top drive power head and hole top plate toward the opposite direction.
9·These inclinations are not whimsical usually, but their form, size, and direction are determined by the promontories of the shore, the ancient axes of elevation.
10·Based on this evaluation, the survey used binocular stereo vision system to compensate the direction error, and located the elevation degree in vertical plane and the distance of sound source.